
Cleo® 3780Plus®

Cleo 3780Plus Command Summary

Answer (minutes)

The Answer command configures your modem to answer inbound calls. The minutes option allows you to wait a fixed time to answer inbound calls. 

Autodial (phone number)

The Autodial command dials a phone number to connect to a remote computer. You have complete control over time-outs and re-dial attempts. The Autodial command supports the most popular dialing methods, both synchronous and asynchronous. 

Binary (filename)

The Binary command sends a file to the remote computer in transparent mode with or without the ASCII to EBCDIC character translation (see alsoText ). This command allows you to send any type of file to the remote computer. 


The Branch command is used within script files to alter the flow of commands based on the previous command. This allows you to create powerful script files which can respond to various communication scenarios. The Branch command allows you to jump within the job file based on a variety of conditions including: 

Branch on status -- 
Branch on the status of the previous command 
Branch on return code -- 
Branch on a return code from another program or operating system command. 
Branch on SIZE -- 
Branch based on the size of the last received file
Branch on COUNTER -- 
Branch on the value of a specified counter
Branch on TRUE -- 
Branch unconditionally 

Config (filename)

The Config command interactively configures 3780Plus or loads a previously saved configuration setup. 


The Data command enables the communications line and/or modem for data transfer. 


The EOT command transmits the EOT (End of Transmission) character to end a file transfer. 

Execute (filename)

The Execute command runs commands from the specified script file. 3780Plus allows you to enter commands into a job (script) file for unattended operation. Job file commands in conjunction with the Branch command allow you to create scripts that allow 3780Plus to operate without user intervention. Job files may be used to run 3780Plus at non-peak hours when telephone costs are lower. 


The Help command displays the list of 3780Plus commands. 

Job (filename)

The Job command creates a new job (script) file or scrambles an existing job file. This command allows you to create a job file for unattended operation (see also Execute ). This command may also be used to scramble or encode existing script files so that sensitive information can be protected. 

Key (message)

The Key command transmits a keyboard message to the remote computer. 

Log (message)

The Log command allows you to display the log file, write messages to the log file, or turn the logging option on or off. 3780Plus supports a comprehensive log feature which records all the activity during a session. The log file can be restarted or kept as a perpetual file to examine the results of any communications session. 

Monitor (filename)

The Monitor command may be used to display or save to disk the protocol traffic during a communications session. The monitor is a powerful tool to aid in diagnosing any problems that may occur during the communications session. 

Print (filename)

The Print command allows you to receive printer output to a file. This file may optionally be spooled to the printer by 3780Plus. The 3780 printer escape codes are translated to the correct action. 


The Quit command exits 3780Plus

Receive (filename)

The Receive command receives transparent or non-transparent, binary or text data, to a disk file. 3780Plus automatically determines whether or not the data should be translated from EBCDIC to ASCII. No user intervention is required. 


The Screen command displays non-transparent data to the screen. 

Sleep (seconds)

The Sleep command pauses the specified number of seconds before proceeding to the next command. This command is used to pause between commands where required. 


The Counter commands initialize, increment, decrement, or display counter settings. 3780Plus supports built-in counters which may be used to add the capability to loop or retry a command a specified number of times. This allows a lot of flexibility with the script files. 

System (command)

The System command allows execution of an operating system command or program. With the System command, you can perform some other processing and return to 3780Plus to continue or end the communications session. 

Table (filename)

The Table command displays or loads a previously created translation table(s). 3780Plus automatically translates received data to ASCII and transmitted data to EBCDIC where appropriate. In some cases (foreign countries for example), you may wish to change the translations. 

Text (filename)

The Text command transmits a text file to the remote computer in non-transparent mode. 3780Plus automatically handles the ASCII to EBCDIC character translation during the transmission. 

Token (tokens)

The Token command sets or displays the value of user-defined variables at any time. 3780Plus tokens may also be set prior to executing 3780Plus. The Token command, when used in conjunction with the script files, offers a lot of flexibility in dynamically altering the flow of commands in response to the communications scenario. 


The Voice command disconnects (hangs-up) the phone line and disables the modem from answering incoming phone calls. 

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